JCRL’s amicus brief in American Legion v. American Humanist Association is cited.
JCRL’s amicus brief in American Legion v. American Humanist Association is cited.
Dr. Dolin’s op-ed in Detroit News highlights the importance of safeguarding religious expression in the public square.
JCRL’s amicus brief in American Legion v. American Humanist Association is mentioned, where we argue that the “Lemon test” harms not just Christianity but minority faiths like Jews.
Josh Blackman is interviewed by the Jewish Herald Voice regarding JCRL’s choice to defend Brush & Nib Studio, a phoenix-based Christian business.
Howard Slugh is cited, arguing how important the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) is for safeguarding religious liberty.
Howard Slugh and Rabbi Mitchell Rocklin’s National Review article is cited, where the authors defend Miracle Hill Ministry’s right to freely associate with its own faith community.
Kentucky Today mentions the amicus brief JCRL joined in Brush & Nib Studio v. Phoenix.
JCRL’s defense of the right of faith-based business owners to freely exercise their religious liberty is mentioned in this article.
JCRL’s amicus brief in Brush & Nib Studio v. Phoenix is mentioned.
The Arizona Capitol Times cites a JCRL brief in a case involving the city of Phoenix forcing artists to custom-design artwork for same-sex wedding invitations. It notes that “a legal brief by the Jewish Coalition for Religious Liberty says even though the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 2015 that gays have a right to marry, nothing in that ruling requires that others share that belief − or allows that they be forced to act in ways that endorse same-sex nuptials.